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Unit 2 : Mechanics

 Unit 2 : Mechanics

The unit Mechanics has got 110 periods.

1. Kinematics (15 periods)

  • Relative motion
    • Motion in the same direction
    • Motion in opposite directions
  • Rectilinear motion under constant acceleration
    • Graphs of motion
      • s-t graphs
      • v-t graphs
  • Equations of motion
    • Motion on a straight line
    • Projectile motion under gravity

2. Resultant of forces and torque (15 periods)

  • Resultant of forces
    • Resultant of two forces
    • Resultant of a system of coplanar forces
  • Moment of a force (torque)
    • Moment of a force about a point
    • Moment of a couple (of forces)
  • Resultant of parallel forces and the line of action (parallel forces in the same direction)
  • Center of gravity of a body (using the resultant of parallel forces)
    • Center of gravity of regular shaped bodies
    • Center of gravity of regular shaped compound bodies
  • Center of mass
  • Determination of weight of a body using the parallelogram of forces

3. Force and motion (20 periods)

  • Mass
    • Inertial mass
    • Gravitational mass
  • Inertial and non-inertial frames
  • Newton's first law of motion
  • Momentum
  • Newton's second law of motion
    • Obtaining 
    • Defining the unit 'newton'
    • Impulse and impulsive forces
    • Principle of conservation of linear momentum
  • Elastic and inelastic collisions
  • Newton's third law of motion
  • Applications of Newton's laws
  • Self adjusting forces
    • Tension
    • Thrust / compression
    • Frictional forces
      • Static friction
      • Limiting friction
      • Dynamic friction

Free body diagrams

4 Equilibrium (10 periods)

  • Conditions for equilibrium
  • Principle of moments
  • Equilibrium under two forces
  • Equilibrium of coplanar forces
    • Three non parallel forces
    • Tree parallel forces
    • Theorem of triangle of forces
    • Polygon of forces
  • States of equilibrium
    • Stable
    • Unstable
    • Neutral
  •  Determination of weight of a body using the principle of moments
5. Work, energy and power (15 periods)

  • Work
    • Work done by force in transitional motion
  • Mechanical energy
    • Kinetic energy
      • Transitional kinetic energy
  • Potential energy
    • Gravitational potential energy
    • Elastic potential energy
  • Power and efficiency
  • Principle of conservation of energy
  • Principle of conservation of mechanical energy
  • Work-energy principle

6. Rotational motion and circular motion (15 periods)

  • Rotational motion
  • Angular displacement
  • Angular velocity
  • Frequency of rotation
  • Angular acceleration
  • Equations of rotational motion under uniform angular acceleration
  • Moment of inertia
    • Thin uniform rod
    • Thin uniform ring
    • Uniform circular disk and cylinder
    • Uniform sphere
  • Angular momentum
  • Torque
  • Relationship between torque, moment of inertia and angular acceleration
  • Principle of conservation of angular momentum
  • Work done in rotational motion
  • Rotational kinetic energy
  • Analogy between linear motion and rotational motion

  • Uniform circular motion with uniform angular velocity in a horizontal plane
    • Frequency
    • Period
    • Tangential velocity
    • Centripetal acceleration
    • Centripetal force

7. Hydrostatics (12 periods)

  • Hydrostatic pressure
  • Atmospheric pressure
  • Comparing the relative density of liquids
    • Using U-tube
    • Using Hare's apparatus
  • Transmission of pressure
    • Pascal's principle and its applications
  • Upthrust
    • Archimedes' principle

  • Floatation
    • Conditions for floatarion
    • Principle of floatation
    • Hydrometer
    • Comparing the density of liquids using the weighted test tube

8. Fluid-dynamics (08 periods)

  • Streamline flow and turbulent flow
  • Equation of continuity for a steady, stream line flow
  • Bernoulli's principle (derivation not necessary)
  • Application of Bernoulli's principle

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